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Lindie De Gouveia
Senior Recruitment Consultant
Accounting & Finance
Get to know Lindie

With 8 years of experience in agency recruiting and 15 years working in corporate roles, Lindie has sat on both sides of the table, giving her a deep understanding of the needs and challenges of her clients. Drawing on her expertise as a Branch Manager in a nationally recognized recruitment agency, combined with hands-on experience in finance and risk management, she specializes in the placement of accounting and finance professionals in Alberta.

Having managed staff of her own, Lindie has a demonstrated ability to build, manage and motivate high-performing teams—and now helps her clients do the same. She is highly detail-oriented, which shines through in her incisive questions to clients and the precision of her interviewing and job matching skills. She appreciates the dynamic nature of recruitment, including adapting to her clients’ evolving needs and the ever-changing job market.

Lindie made the move to Canada from South Africa in 2023. She holds a Bachelor of Commerce with majors in Business Management and Industrial Psychology, further enriching her ability to understand the human dynamics involved in recruitment, including personality ‘fit’ in the workplace. Outside of work, she keeps active with her teenager, balancing school, sports and outdoor activities.